
the ending.

dedicated to jose (haha my #1 fan)...for making me realize how creepy the world is.
he walked through the doorway into the terminal leaving the pouring new york city rain behind him. the lights flickered for a minute. the scene within the delta terminal was chaotic. people trying to escape the city, people trying to get back home. there he was alone with one suitcase standing in front of the fogged up glass doors he had just walked through. he turned to see his friend's car pulling off to get back on to the flooded van wyck. he looked up at departures on the board in front of him expecting his flight to be delayed. among the rash of cancellations and delays throughout the country there it stood "5:40 PM Delta Flight #78 Berlin-Tegel On Time"
he sighed then looked at his silver watch to see that it was 4:30. he stood there to look at the watch he had just gotten for his birthday last week along with the tickets to go to Berlin to stay with family for a month. before he started college at FIT that fall. a break is what he needed from the roller coaster ride that his senior year was. he just wished his parents were with him. they were stuck in the city because the subways had been closed downtown because of the rain that had been pouring down on the city for the past two weeks. he had began to forget what the sunlight was. he decided to get his ticket and go through security. he walked to the check in area where the crowd was growing by the minute. "i can't believe they canceled another fucking flight!" someone said as he looked up at the ticker tape screen telling people that the last flight for the night to the dominican republic was canceled. he felt bad as he walked past the crowd to one of the small computers.
he watched the short machine spit out his ticket. he walked towards the security line, that was already a chaotic mess. "If you do not have your passport or your flight has been canceled please get off line!" yelled a port authority cop. A hatian woman a few people in front of him had just passed out. he really didn't pay attention because he was so used to the subways this crowd really wasn't too much to handle. as the paramedics took her out of the terminal he just turned his ipod on. 20 minutes passed then 30 and he was still in the line. he looked up at one of the tv screens showing the continuous coverage of the storms across the country. the snow in the midwest, the approaching hurricane in the south, and the constant rain in the north. but that wasn't showing on the screen. the bar at the bottom read "worldwide volcano activity"
wow he thought to himself "it can't get worse than this" as the lights began to flicker for the third time. eventually he got to the metal detectors. it was more confusion and fighting there than anywhere in the airport. "take your shoes off" someone yelled at the crowd. he went through without that annoying screech and stood there putting everything back on. he looked at the board again and his flight was still on time. he thought it was odd because every other flight on the board was delayed. 5:10 read the digital screen that welcomed him to the airport.
he walked to the end of the terminal to get to gate 2 where his plane would be soon. it was a total different story inside. everything was organized aside from the few distraught customers who's flights had been canceled. it was much quieter than downstairs. he even found a seat when he got to his gate. he sat down and just looked out at the runway.
the rain had gotten worse and he no longer could see the ground it was like the ocean that was next to the airport had risen up. there was no longer a ground he felt like a little kid when he walked up to the glass wall to look out. and there his plane was slushing through the water to drop off it's passengers. he looked at his watch it was already 5:30 and the sky had started to darken. he knew that the city was about to have a very bad night.
he sat back down in his plastic seat to look up at one of the screens to see that la palma, a canary island, had erupted and crashed into the atlantic ocean. he knew from a jr. high project that if this ever happened there was a possibility of a mega tsunami that would destroy every coastline along the atlantic ocean. "there are no tsunami warnings at the moment but we will keep you informed"
he wanted to stay in the city with his family but after he called his mom who was still stuck in the city she told him to go. "what would you do? you can't even get home from the airport" he knew it was true as he hung up the phone while he was on line boarding the plane. he felt scared as he walked through the jetway bridge a rush of adrenaline mad him nervous about leaving.
everything else was a blur and after a wait on the tarmac by 6:15 his plane was running through the runway and picked itself up. he looked out and saw the entire city almost everything flooded but just as he looked out the clouds blocked out everything. the plane had gone dark and silent. he drifted off to sleep.
thinking about the day before standing in the drizzle on the J where he was talking to the woman he had just broken up with. the long conversation left him sad and still confused as he lay his head on the sign that read "Crescent Street" he felt bad that he couldn't be completely honest with her but he knew that she wouldn't comprehend what he was saying to her. how he loved her so much but knew that he wouldn't be happy with her. he looked to see her walking away to the end of the platform where she disappeared as she walked down the stairs. but he didn't notice that as he got back on to the train to go home she was sitting there on the stairs crying. because she knew he wasn't telling her everything.
"sir...dinner?" as he awoke..."umm yea do you have chicken?"
he put the food on the tray in front of him and looked at his watch. it would be 8:30 in new york. he looked at the phone in front of him that showed news reports on the small green lcd screen. "massive blackout throughout northeast...tsunami destroys west coast of africa killing millions...tsunami warnings for all atlantic coastlines...nuclear power plant security system failure throughout europe...msnbc news"
"Ohh Shit!"he said along with other people throughout the plane along with the "oh my god" and the "we're all gonna die" he swiped his credit card through the phone and dialed his house number. "beep...this is the department of homeland security the phones in this area have been closed off for emergency use only"
he sat there in a daze. while everyone was panicking and demanding answers. the tv's were turned on to some satellite station. where they said the news.
Africa, South Asia, India, Pacific Islands, and Australia had been barraged with a series of earthquakes and tsunami's all at one immediately claiming the lives of hundreds of millions.
Central Asia had been hit with wild storms creating extreme flooding in mainland china, india, and east russia killing most of the population there.
Europe aside from massive flooding in eastern europe was dealing with a security issue. a new firewall digital security system was put in place for the safety of every nuclear power plant located in the european union. unfortunatley there was a flaw and the system has told itself to self destruct by the next morning.
the americas were dealing with almost everything. from the 19 feet of snow in the central states, to the flooding and incoming tsunami in the east. the west was evacuating because of the pacific tsunami and the earthquakes. while south america seemed unphased by all of this.
"the problem is noone knows about the tsunami over here in the east there's no power and even if there was there is no way to get around." said one of the reporters.
soon after that the channel cut it's feed along with the radio stations. everything seemed to be happening so fast. his head was spinning he went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and to get a grip on what was happening. he knew he'd never see the people he'd loved. he could never see his ex-girlfriend and explain that he loved her and was sorry that he hurt her but that he was living a lie. he wanted to be with his mother and not halfway across the atlantic ocean. he sat on the floor of the bathroom and cried. he looked at his watch to see that it was 10:45 and his plane was gonna be landing in two hours to god knows what.
he took an orange container of pills. and swallowed three benzodiazepines so he could relax. he walked back to his seat to sleep. snoring within a couple of minutes.
the plane shook. and he woke up. "we're landing?" he asked the flight attendant . "we'll see" she replied. he looked out the window to see the sun and berlin with no lights. he sat there and yawned. he wasn't sure what was gonna happen next.
a few minutes passed and the plane looked like it was gonna land as the ground came closer and closer. he wanted to know what happened to his family. then there was a bright flash followed by an extremely loud bang. some of the windows on the plane cracked and others shattered. he looked out of the window to see a huge cloud full of colors speeding towards the plane.
the plane was picked up and rolled hundreds of times until it disintegrated.
everything was destroyed. five point two billion people dead. only people in the middle east and south america were alive. because of the lack of communication because of the destruction of the western world there was no economy and contamination to radiation killed millions in the middle east fairly quickly. war broke out in south america and suicide was a common occurrence. within five years the last child died when his mother hanged herself. the world sat there in silence nothing but the trees. everything else slowly rotted away. humanity was gone.evolution started again.


she walked towards the subway from school the excitement swirled in her head. she was done with the classes, the drama, the teachers, the credits. it was the last day and although it had been raining for two weeks already she didn't care. she looked back at the green colored building that was going to be torn down by the end of the summer to make way for a supermarket. in her head she was really sad to know that it was the last time she would see that building she had walked in hundreds of times for the past four years.
but then she looked at her transcript with the art & design seal on it and saw all of the credits were in order and then switched papers to see the acceptance letter she had gotten from Cooper Union. she smiled at herself. not even realizing that she just stepped into a large puddle as she tried to cross 57th.
she opened her red razr. as she dipped into the crowded wendy's full of freshman screaming at the top of their lungs because it was the last day of school. she had to call her boyfriend who sent her a text telling her they needed to talk. she knew this wasn't good but was still excited to be out of high school so it didn't bother her. "hello" she said "umm okay where?" she asked "by the J?...right now?...okay bye"
she put her phone back on the clip. and slid back out of the glass doors and continued to walk uptown. all the way up to the movie theater she passed countless times. to the subway entrance that she hated because of it's steep narrow stairs that she fell down the first week freshman year. down the escalators to the unusually dusty platform for the trains heading into queens. she rushed passed every pillar. at typical new yorker's pace. until she came to the stairs heading down towards the lexington express.
"right or left?" she'd always forget this as she walked down the mezzanine with the artistic walls. then she saw the sign for downtown. she made a right. the train wasn't there and she stood there making sure the water from the ceiling wasn't falling on her. something that was common at this station even on good days. she looked left down the tunnel to see the two bright headlights far off in the distance.
she closed her eyes. the sadness hit her. what was going to happen today? when would she see her friends again? how would college be? would she ever see the sun again? the tracks rattled. she looked down to see a rat running across the tracks. she looked left again and focused her eyes on that red light. it was a four. she didn't even realize she backed up as the silver train slid past her. the doors opened and she walked in. "pretty empty" she thought to herself. she looked up at the digital screen on the ceiling it was only 11.34 am. she closed her eyes.
"is...14th street union square. change here for the L, N, Q, R, W, 5, and 6 trains" she looked around. she fell asleep and awoke to the train being empty. "this is a brooklyn bound 4 train the next stop is brooklyn bridge city hall" she knew the next stop was her's. as the train picked up speed out of the station a little girl walked into her car holding her mother's hand. "aww she's cute" as she looked at the girl wearing ballet shoes and a tutu. "we can't be late today" said her mother.
she leaned her head on the window and looked through the window on the other side. bleeker, spring, canal. she saw all of these stations blurring past as she peered through. the map where the ads usually are started flashing at brooklyn bridge. she knew it was her stop but she didn't wan to get up. she grabbed her coat and stood at the doors.
she ran up the stairs and walked down the crowded hallway. there he was she saw him by the gates. she walked over. "you should have came and got your transcript" he replied "i kno but i was busy packing i gotta get to the airport by 4:30 tomorrow"
she kissed him. but he did nothing in return. but then again she knew he wasn't into kissing especially on the subway. she grabbed his hand and they walked down the old stairs to the platform that would bring them into brooklyn. the usual "just missed it" crowd was there. as the M sat on the other side of the platform waiting for the green signal. they stood there she glanced at him. but he remained quiet. leaning over to see if the J was coming. she heard water rushing down on the abandoned platform lying in the center of the station.
she leaned over and whispered in his ear "what's wrong?" he shook his head as if to say nothing. all the while his face stayed emotionless. she frowned playfully and went to sit on the bench behind them. he stood in front of her. the M closed it's doors and began to pull out the wind made her cold and when he looked in her eyes it gave her chills. she began to worry.
they sat down on the J partially empty. it pulled out and the sound covered their conversation. the train seemed to be going fast forward and they sat on the train until they got into brooklyn and their car emptied at myrtle ave. it was quiet and the rain began to come down harder as their train waited for the M to pass in front. he began to talk again.
she began to cry. he hugged her. the train pulled out.
"but i love you"
"I'm sorry but you're just not what i love right now. i want you to be with someone who loves you back"
they pulled into broadway junction. she was in tears and he was holding her. she knew he loved her but he was going through something she didn't understand and he wouldn't explain it to her.
"what is it?!"
"i can't i love you too much"
they sat there on the bench at crescent st. trains passing in both directions. "i gotta go" he said. "we'll talk when i get back from germany". she hugged him tight.
"i will always love you"
she walked away towards the stairs. he looked and thought she left as he got onto the next J that would carry him home to jamaica. she sat on the stairs people walking by every few minutes. crying... ten minutes then twenty. the rain had started up again and she knew she had to go downstairs and catch the 13.
she got home and slept. she didn't get up until the next night groggy and tired she looked at the clock. it was off she turned the lights on but nothing. she looked out the window and the water was covering the streets by at least a foot. she opened her cell phone the service was horrible and she couldn't get a call out. so she sent him a text.
-it's crzy over here. no lites. mom is buggin. i hope u hav a gud trip. cll me wen u get there. I'll alwys luv u. miss u lots-
the message was sent. he never got it. the water started rising.


Anonymous said...

this really shook me up. probably, because you'll be right.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.