

it stood there on the plastic seats that were different shades of orange. someone left it from the last time the train was in service. the sign through the door's windows read "Stillwell Av" the hydraulic pumps made noises as the doors in all eight cars opened up. two people got on at the other end of the car.
the doors closed and the train jerked forward with a humming sound that grew louder and louder. it fell onto the seat and rolled onto the next one as the silver row of cars pulled into "West 8st NY Aquarium" the cold air from the nearby ocean swept the car from the darkness that was outside. noone go on. the train moved on.
twenty minutes passed and the train pulled into "4TH Av" the station was a bit crowded and the train became more and more populated. homeless people stumbled past it, business men grabbing the first seat they could see, and the mass of north face book bags and coats as high schooler's began their day.
the train slid forward as the sun began to raise over the city. "smith and ninth" sounded throughout the car. more people someone picked it up and laid it on the hard floor. it stood there under the seat as the person sat down.
"...then she called me this morning to tell me she was fucking pregnant! I'm not ready for no kid. I bet you it's not mine" was heard under the three seats. someone's bag hit it and it fell over and began to roll as the train sped towards another tunnel.
it rolled further down the car hitting and resting on a stroller. "shh...i can't stand this. my mother's husband wants me to get out of the house but i can't even afford to feed the both of us."
someone else said "if you need to stay with me and julio, I'll be happy to help you i hate seeing you like this."
she then kicked the bottle to the door as it began to open but the entering passengers kicked it back in under a seat. the train was packed now and it was stuck between the pole and a messenger's bike.
the trip continued.
"Delancy!" the conductor yelled out. a few people found their way through the maze of people. and it was freed as the messenger got off. "Maybe if you let me get off i wouldn't have hit you with the bike!"
"fuck off!" the train got quiet again except for the freshman kids that it had just rolled under their seats. "THAT SHIT WAS CRAZY MA DUDE" "NAH I AIN'T HER FUCKIN HOMEWORK SHE COULD SUCK MA DICK" "I KNOW I'M LOUD I DON'T GIVE A SHIT I'M NOT SCARED OF NOBODY"
their conversation had quickly died down when some older kids from their school had got on at L.E.S 2nd Ave.
the train emptied out at the next few stops. b'way lafayette, west 4th, 14th, 34th, 42nd, rockefeller center. the seats were now littered with am new york's and metro's. the train still carried the commuters going into the east side and further into queens. "lexington...change here for a metrocard transfer to the 4,5,and 6 trains.
the train sped off and people were scattered around the car. as the train traveled under the east river at 40mph it rolled all the way to the other side of the car. to a pudgy guy writing in a book. he was going to class at st. johns and was designing a product for his economics class. he sneezed and his foot hit the thing that had been rolling around the train for an hour. he looked at it and a lightbulb went off in his head. he kicked it and began to insanely write notes.
the train pulled into queensbridge and a few teenagers got on. and sat on the seat that it was under. "this year sucks. i don't want to be a senior it's only the second day and i hate it. i just wish we were back in jr. high. there's too much shit to do. and everyone keeps telling me I'm rushing to be an adult. it's already time for me to be applying to colleges. what am i supposed to act like some little kid that doesn't have to worry about anything."
"nah but just relax we got ten months left. when you get your acceptance letters then you worry about it. just keep busy"
"yeah yeah. it's just scary"
as the train slowed when it passed 65th st. moved further down passing an old woman on her way to the doctor and rolling underneath a homeless guy that was sleeping underneath a blanket the city gave him.
it hit the foot of a white woman in her 40's. looking at the map. "i don't think we're in the city anymore. it says jackson heights. we got on in the wrong direction."
"mom coney island is the other way!"
"it's okay we'll just make a few transfers. get on the e here and switch over to the j...to get us into brooklyn."
the train stopped and more people got on. a little kid kicked it to the other door that was closed where she looked at the crowd on the other side full of people waiting to get into the city.
"mommy look at all those people where they goin?"
"to work and school"
"i wanna go to school"
"you are we just gotta go get you checked on by the doctor"
"but i don't wanna"
"you have to now come here and give me your hat."
it rolled back and forth in the car as it went express in the half empty train.
"parson's is next"
"i hate doing this everyday" said a transit agent who was sitting talking to the conductor. who's door was open "i know what you mean. it get's so fucking boring some days i just want to not open the doors these morons get on my last nerves with the questions"
"exactly...where's this? how do i get here? where can i transfer? look at a fucking map"
the breaks slammed as they pulled into 169th. and it rolled to the door. most of the people got off.
"179 is the next and last stop on this f train. stand clear of the doors."
the chimes sounded and the train pulled off. the lights flickered as they did every now and then. and the car was completely dark for 20 seconds. the train pulled into the station. everyone got off. the homeless person had to be woken up by the motorman. he slowly walked out dragging his blanket that covered it. and pulled it onto the platform.
it was let loose and rolled to the other side of the island platform. the wind from an approaching train knocked it over onto the tracks. there it laid. the half full bottle of aquafina. the bottle that was once sitting in coney island now laid on the tracks in jamaica queens

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