
exodous:the end(new colony)

the rain began to pour onto the dry road in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere, she rolled up her windows in the silver audi she had purchased last year. it was very dangerous to be out in the rain ever since the bombs hit three months ago.
she was on her way to Denver and was alone, the skies were already dark and the night was approaching. she sat there in silence thinking of everyone she left behind in Chicago. Everyone who ignored the evacuation plan. Now that the general public was being allowed to leave the United States she packed her bags and left the night before.
the Public Information Network, a federal government-run public channel, had stated that the war was only predicted to get worse. The East Asia Alliance had already destroyed Los Angeles and Los Vegas with massive air raids. While North America and Russia destroyed Shanghai, Seoul, and Taipei with severely toxic nuclear bombs. International trade with the two continents had been cut and all of China and America were at a standstill.
the president’s only course of action was to evacuate the nation due to high levels of radiation that were expected to reach the west coast within days. Americans that decided to heed the warning were being planed to Brazil. She had received her transport documents a week earlier, before she’d decided to leave, and now she was headed to Denver International Airport to catch flight #1107 to Sao Paulo the next morning.
She looked down at her dashboard, she was doing 95 on a two lane side road, no other car had passed her for nearly three hours. an hour later she was approaching interstate 76, the only way to get to the airport. she thought her eyes were deceiving her, staring at millions of red lights. the entire expressway had been turned into a parking lot. when she made the turn onto the on-ramp she realized how many people were trying to escape.
looking up at the sign informing her that she was 40 miles away from Denver she sighed, turned her car off and listened to the thunder.
the rain had ended twenty minutes prior and the sun was starting to peak out of the rocky mountains off in the distance. she was almost out of gas and the digital information signs told her "DRIVERS AT THIS POINT HAVE APROX. ONE HOUR LEFT" she turned her radio on to listen to a popular debate station, and as she predicted, they were discussing the mass evacuation and what the nation’s next step would be. she sat there and realized that she had no idea of what the future would hold for her. tears ran down her eyes as the military officer opened her door and asked her to take everything she wanted out of the car while he checked over her transport permit. looking up at the blue sky she took in a deep breath and dragged her two bags into the airport.
she turned around to see the crowd of what seemed like millions of people trying to make their way into the airport. she turned in with a moving crowd and disappeared into the glass building. she stood in line for what seemed hours. there was no security checkpoint there was no time for that. half of the airport had been closed due to flooding from the night.
she stood in line and went around in angles silently, staring at everyone there. people from almost every race made their way from around the country to get a second chance at life, no matter how deprived it would be. she looked down as a toddler accidently walked into her leg.
"everyone catching a flight to sao paulo, please go into line 12! if you’re catching a flight to buenos aires go to line 13!" screamed a transit worker.
she quickly go her bags and moved to the shorter line, looking up at the tv to see the time she realized that she would be on a plane to a different life in 45 minutes. the tv showed images of the carnage in asia and the west coast. it was estimated that 75 million people were killed in the past month and the toxic waste was only going to kill more. the news also reported that the president hadn’t been seen for three days and that he may have been place in hiding in another country.
she jumped as someone a few hundred feet began to yell and scream. a father was screaming because one of the transit workers said his son couldn’t fly because his travel permit had gotten mixed up. security came rushing in and tried to calm him down. he only got increasingly intense and pushed one of the guards. a military personnel member shot at him piercing his heart, before he fell to the floor the entire terminal had turned into a riot with screams and pushing. she stood there shocked staring at the man bleeding on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling while his little son, the toddler who had walked into her leg earlier, grabbed his fathers arm and screamed in hysteria.
a military guard pushed her with his gun and motioned to her to keep the line moving. she started crying as the transit worker asked her if she had anything dangerous in her bag. she said no and walked away shocked.
she made her way to the gate she was assigned and was crowded up against a window. looking out she saw that it had started to rain again. she took out her cell phone and made a call to her sister in new york. she was also at the airport waiting for her flight to sao paulo from jfk. her flight had been delayed because there was a plane crash in jamaica bay, someone apparently panicked during take off and ran into the cockpit and slammed into the buttons. as she wished her sister luck and hung up her flight had been called to board.
she handed the flight attendant her travel permit and waited to get it stamped. as she took the group of papers back she looked at the stamp as it said in red ink "US WAR REFUGEE #387594" she sighed and looked down the jetway bridge that lead to the airplane. she walked down and stepped onto the plane.
she caught a chill as she made her way to the last seat on the plane, at least it was a window seat she thought to herself as she closed the overhead luggage compartment. she sat and looked out of the small window as someone sat next to her and she shifted her body. she blankly looked out at the snow covered rocky mountains listened to the rain hammer on the roof of the plane. she laid her head back into the seat to the jetblue logo on the seat in front of her, all the domestic airlines were taken over by the government so jetblue no longer existed.
before she realized it the plane revved it’s engines and they were speeding down the runway. she looked down to what would be her last moment in america, as the plane took an angle and lifted itself off of the concrete of what was the runway her stomach dropped and she could feel the adrenaline in her veins as goose bumps revealed themselves from under her skin. she had just left everything behind. her family, her friends, her job, her dog, her home, her life all still remained in chicago and there she was speeding off into the sky to some foreign place in latin america. she began to sweat as the cold a/c fanned itself on her.
hours later she was staring at herself in the bathroom. her glow had disappeared, she had almost forgotten that she was pregnant. she remembered three weeks ago when she looked at the stick in her friend’s house and they both were screaming, now her friend was on a flight to buenos aires. tears started to roll down her eyes when the announcement came over the pa. that they were preparing to land.
she slowly closed the door behind her and slid into her seat, opening the shade she looked out of the window to see a clear night sky. the lights of sao paulo’s thousands of towers lit up the night floor. she had never seen a city so packed in it was bigger than chicago and new york combined she thought.
the ground grew closer. she braced herself and still wasn’t prepared for the harsh landing.
she sighed as the plane slowed down on the dark ground. sitting there she listened to all of the directions that had to be followed by the new residents of brazil. she learned that they were now considered partial citizens of the nation and were already assigned public housing. throughout the nation. her nerves started to pick up as she stood up to get her luggage.
she was the last to emerge from the plane to the terminal of sao paulo international airport. she looked around the well lit terminal to see thousands of people making their way to the immigration center. she followed and stood in a line that seemed to never end. after an hour her permit was stamped and she was told that she was going to be bussed to a stadium where her number would be called and she would be given the address of her new home. if it was in sao paulo she’d have to find her way around the city’s transit network. when she heard this she had gotten nervous again but this was soon overcome with fear as she got pushed and shoved in the crowd heading to the buses.
announcements in portuguese and english reminded her not to get on the wrong bus as she would be taken back to the airport. she looked at her papers and they told her to get on the "Pacaembu Stadium" she saw it and was relieved once she stepped foot onto the air conditioned bus, the humid air had made her feel really uncomfortable. she sat down and stared out of the window in amazement. the bus soon pulled off with a crowd on it obviously over capacity. she stared out of the window and noticed all of the busses were traveling together in a caravan. she didn’t even realize that they had begun to speed up on an expressway, it seemed familiar all of the traffic and lanes, it reminded her of her daily chicagoland commute.
but this was different, there were flashes from other cars, obviously cameras. and the news vans would speed up close to the buses to get an image of the new set of immigrants. she didn’t notice the black suv that had just cut off her bus, not until the bus slammed it’s brakes to a full stop. the shooting started and the bus driver among many of the people that were standing suddenly fell to the floor.
then the screaming started. the men stood at the front of the bus for a few moments as the people panicked and tried to make their way, unsuccessfully, off the bus since the doors had been locked. she stood still worried about what would happen to the baby. eventually the bus quieted as the intruders in the ski masks drove off. she stood up to look around and that’s when the bus threw itself in the air.
four buses were bombed in that incident. everyone on them were killed. now the americans weren’t safe anywhere they went. and the war only got worse as time went on.